Individual Therapy

Change is scary. But what’s the cost of staying the same?

This is your life, and you get to decide if you continue this path alone or with help. You have choices every day. You choose whether or not to get out of bed, go to work/school, to have kids or not, to plan for retirement.

We make small choices every day, but the bigger ones tend to get put off. The days will pass regardless of your participation in life events. Eventually, choices are made for us.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do I put off my needs?
  • Am I clear in the choices I make?
  • Where do I fall on my list of priorities?

This is YOUR life; make sure YOU are the one making your decisions.

It is possible to feel good about yourself for most of the day, nearly every day. I know what it feels like to live in self-doubt; questioning everything you think and feel. I also know how to turn that around.

Here’s what people say (or are thinking) when they come to me:

  • I don’t know what’s wrong with me
  • I work nonstop to avoid dealing with deep-rooted childhood issues
  • I feel like I will be exposed (found out) as an imposter and everyone will make fun of me
  • I don’t understand why all these bad things happen to me
  • I’m a ball of nervous energy all the time
  • I feel stuck

“You have more tomorrows than yesterdays and you better show up.” –Bill Clinton

Pres. Clinton was talking about showing up at the polls to vote. I am talking about showing up for your life.

We’ve all heard the term ‘calling it in’ referring to an employee who is doing the bare minimum and not focused on quality. People can also float through life in this way. At some point, we will all have more yesterdays than tomorrows. This is YOUR – show up for it!

How does therapy work?

Through working with me you will feel empowered to make your own choices. You will feel supported and encouraged. You will be in the driver’s seat of your life. We will work together to find out what’s stopping you from being happy.

You are looking for an unbiased sounding board who has some knowledge of what you are going through. If I am not that for you, I will try and help you find it. I am more than happy to talk to you about what you have learned by googling or reading Psychology Today articles. I don’t think that is silly I think that is you attempting to take control of your life and mental health and I admire that.

The good news/bad news is that the therapeutic relationship is extremely important in whether or not you will progress in therapy (i.e. learn new skills, move past where you are now, or come to a better understanding of yourself, others, or your past). Why is that good news and bad news? Well the good news is that once you find someone you click with you can see progress right away and will enjoy coming in. The bad news is that it can take a few sessions for that to happen and it might take a few therapists before you find someone you really click with.

This is why I am constantly updating my website and posting on social media-so prospective clients can get a feel for who I am. It is my hope that those of you that will get the most benefit from working with me will come across something I have written and be brave enough to message or call! If you aren’t sure please reach out anyway, it’s always better to ask than to go it alone. You can do this, and someone can help, it might just be me!

A note on families and children

If you are coming to me as an individual therapy client we can absolutely talk about incorporating family sessions to better meet your needs. This can be anyone in your family who is important to your story, your struggle, and your healing.  

Contact me to learn more or schedule your appointment! (360) 637-6693

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